
Mindfulness is about being present. Everyone is born with this quality, but the active mind may not let off so you can experience it. What does being present mean? It is being able to just BE in the moment without having distractions or conditioned habits get in the way of it.


Practicing mindfulness gives you the opportunity to be more grounded and see the present moment in a different perspective. It can also bring forth the experience of what it may feel like not being on the go all the time. These humbling experiences can alter your mindset or perception of who you really are as well as the world around you.


There are many ways to practice mindfulness and one way that is done at A Humble Studio is to practice meditation. In our case, it is the observation of your natural breath or Anapana meditation. It is very simple and everyone who can breath can practice it. It requires an open mind that is curious to explore your own nature of existence. It is a practice of going inwards so be aware it can be unpleasant since it may not be something you are used to doing. Meditation can be a rewarding and may be experienced in a friendly and supportive way with A Humble Studio. Check our calendar for classes or reach out to us with questions on our offerings.